Friday, September 14, 2007

Bush's Main Man in Iraq is Dead

A sunni leader key to General Petraeus strategy and featured in Bush photo ops is dead, killed by an IED. The photo with Bush is dated before it was even circulated. The experts seem to think that this guy, a strongman/thug will quicly be repalced another Sadaam clone. Petraeus tactics of coopting the locals, the same Clinton era strategy that worked in Boisnia and Afghanistan, look as if they can work.

What should be clear is that Bush is irrelevant. This death is coming as lil Bush gave an inane talk celebrating the General's success.The problem is that GWB offers no rational d’etre. I fear he has no goals, no reason we should be there. Petraeus may be able to pacify Iraq but to what end?

My thought is this. Some candidate should applaud General Petraeus and say this is long overdue. The candidate, a Republican or a Democrat, should ask how best we can take advantage of the General's service. A real plan would be golden and this approach would spin Petraeus into where I suspect he wants to be.

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