One of the tings I am most proud of is the role Jews have played in American labor history.
Sam Gompers
Saul Alinsky'
Clara Lemlich
Emma Goldman
Albert Shanker
Fania Mary Cohn
Maud Nathan
Our Haggadah .. the text for Passover,.describes Moses as a the first labor leader.
(Bava Mezia 77a). Leviticus
(Deuteronomy 24:14 ): “You shall not abuse a needy and destitute laborer, whether a fellow countryman or a non-citizen in your communities.”
(Bava Mezia 112a): “Whoever withholds an employee’s wages, it is as though he has ta
True, very true, and happty Labor Day. The list of Jews involved with the U.S. labor movement is of course quite sizeable.
On a related topic, see additional items on this them from "Unions and Labor Day" by David Dolev in Boston's Jewish Advocate < http://www.thejewishadvocate.com/this_weeks_issue/opinions/ > as well as some of the items on the left as well as the right column of the website of the Jewish Labor Committee < http://www.jewishlabor.org/ >, in particular the two reading lists I've prepared, near the bottom o the right column:
* Readings on the American Jewish Labor Movement
* Readings on Traditional Jewish texts on Labor and Worker Rights
Arieh Lebowitz
Comunications Director
Jewish Labor Committee
25 East 21st Street
New York, NY 10010
I feel strongly that we do a poor job of educating Jewish children about our role in society.
How did you happen on this blog?
Dear friend Schwartz:
Al lo davar / de nada / hey, it's nothing / yr wlcm.
"We" covers a wide range. Education of Jewish children in the U.S. in terms of being self-aware Jews, including awareness of our diverse interactions with the larger society has been not that good for oh, I'd say 100 years.
Some sectors do a better job than others, of course.
I believe I happened on your blog via onbe of my periodic sweeps of the blogosphere to see if there was anything relationg to either the Jewish labor movement in general or the Jewish Labor Committee in specific.
Keep in touch!
>> Arieh Lebowitz
>> ariehnyc@prodigy.net
Tx for the response.
I contrast Jewish and Black education. There are obvious similarities in the role of religion and oppression. However, Black children are given a diet of Black Pride while Jewish children are encouraged to think of us as part of the general American blend, as survivors, or perhaps as proud relatives of the israelis.
The kids should be taight Jewsih history and pride. As one example, how ,many Sunday Schools celebrated the pasing or Marcelle Marceau?
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