Thursday, September 13, 2007

UnRoving MoveON

The recent flack over Moveon's ad calling Gen. Petraeus Betray US, is a sad example of the continued success of Rovian spinship. MO is no more the demo party than FAUX is the repro party. Yet, the Rovians spin this rather mild ad as the work of Harry Reid!

MO needs to be able to speak its collective mond. There was a lot of mfit in the ad. The General did tow the party line. Calling attention to this with name calling maybe puerile, rathe like something Hannity would do, but that is free speech. Personally, I would LOVE to ese them follow with an apology spun around the obvious things the General did not say and avoided. Call folks attention to his refusal to discuss strategy, what winning means, how to provide troops. Tell foks that in fact, the General supported the same facts the left sees as reasos to end this mess.

Apologies are very useful!

There IS a longer tem answet to this Rove macchin. MO needs to to grow up and define itself as non partisan. A true moveon movement should not be democratic or republican. Like the Sierra Club, MoveOn should be understood to have its own agenda.

There is a way to do tis. There are glimmerings of a restructure of the Repubs. MO should encourage, applaud, and highlight this. Constructive criticism, calling for reform of the Reoublican part, for the party to support its reformers would obviously be something even handed ..the same issue applies to Dems! A few eamples:

Call attention to Sen, Hagel and the Gubernator of California's calls for reform.
Perhaps choose to support Olympia Snow?

In general, take the same active approach to Rep primaries as they have to Lieberman. There are now a potential crop of disgruntled Republicans .. esp ex Fed. Prosecutors who might be exciting politicians! When a Republican recognizes the Emperor's lack of clothing, applaus the courageous person.

An extreme idea might be to call on the GOP, to stop the persecution of Senator Craig. I have no idea if he is gay but I do think the GOP should have a broomstick inserted in a non traditional orifice for its behavior.

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