Wednesday, September 05, 2007

A Jew For Palestine

I highly recommend
Jews sans Frontieres
.One of the best thing about being a Jew is the right to debate. A traditon that extends from Lenny Bruce to the right, left up and down.

This JsF site is anti zionist but in a very well thought out way. I wish there was a similar balance from the Arab side.

I posted this essay in response to a very good essay on the pain felt by a farmer who lost his orchard due to the Israeli wall:

This blog serves a great purpose by offering a rational anti-zionist POV. But, it would be a lot better to see a firm devotion to real peace.

No doubt Israel has flaws. I even believe that Eduard Said's arguments vs. Israel's establishment are important.

BUT ...
unless one supports dis-establishment of Israel, the only alternative is finding a condominium. That eutopian ideal can only the achieved if both sides seek peace.

Israel can not seek peace on its own. The Jewsih peace movement, as seen in this blog, is very real. The question is there any peace movement on the other side? I do not mean tis as a criticism of the Palestinians, but as a statement of realism. A Palestinian Gandhi, a person with that kind of courage, could bring peace. Hamasniks offer nothing but perpetual suffering or cataclysm.

My comments extend to anti-zionsists as well. There is a lot of good on that side. Jinmmy Carter;s recent book is very moving. BUT, even the sainted Nobel winning Carter fails to offer a pathway to ending irredentism.

My own belief is that peace is possible. The current post here, about a Palestinian farmer who has lost his farm to the wall, is a great BUT easy example of what might be done. If the wall is needed, and I think it may be, then so is justice. The farmer should recieve the aid needed to recompense him for this loss. If Israel won't do this, the world should. NOTHING would bring peace faster than investment, investment in Jordanian/Palestinian enterprises that would free the Palestinians of dependence on the Israeli economy, give them jobs and hope.
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