Sunday, September 02, 2007

Right Flight II

I have been told at Sound Politics that I can not be a Republican. I have asked why?

a. I am an atheist
b. I support first semester abortions and stem cell research
c. I beleive in paying taxes rather than borrowing money.
d. I fully support the Bill of Rights, fully!
e. I believe in equality of opportunity for all Americans.
f. I accept scientific knowledge in issues like global warming unless I have greater expertise or hear a real debate form others that do.
g. I believe all debts should be paid, inclding collective debts we owe when, as a society, we do something wrong.

Now what of this means I am NOT a Republican?
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Anonymous said...

Do you have a link to prove this is what you have been told?

SM Schwartz said...

Sure, but you may have to do some reading: