Monday, September 03, 2007

The One God

A cute story by Tovia Singer:

Singer is a young Rabbi who specializes in the relationships between Jews and evangelistic Christians. He is briliant, funny, and more than bit in your face.

Minister: So Sam, tell me how many Jews are there?

Rabbi, Err about 6 million.

Minister .. and you knowthere ar 2 billion Christians?

Rabbi Yeh, so? John, you have a point?

Minister: Doesn't that number impress you?

Rabbi: Well, what about all those bad things Christians have done .. slavery, KKK, the inquisitiion, Crusades, Bisnia, etc.

Minister: Those were not REAL Christians.

Rabbi: OH HO! So tell me John, how many of the 2 billion are "real" Chrsitians?

Posted by SeattleJew at September 3, 2007 01:22 PMt.
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