Thursday, September 13, 2007

Right Flight VII

There is a fascinating story brewing that lil Bush wants t appoint Ted Olson as the new AG. BUT, the dems have said they will not confirm Olson.

I predicted that Olson would be the admins choice. Olson is very much Daddy Bush'ds man, he is a very talented attorney, and his wife was a 9-11 victim on the heroic plane in PA! Barbara Olson was one of the pre-cursors of Ann Coulter on Faux!

Partisan is an understatement for this guy. he led the Florida fix in Bush I but that was under BAKER!!!!

I would NEVER have guessed that the eems would take on one of Daddy's agents! Obviously Bush-daddy is trying to extricate lil Bush form the hoosegow and the Dems are not having any of it.

BUT, of they do not use someone like Olson, what sort of person can they find? Remember Eliott Richardson? I am sure that Jimbo Baker and Daddy do. Richardson was the AG who told Nixon NO.

I can see 3 courses ..

1. Use Barbara Olson's heroic memory to pillory the dems ...kind of like Daddy did with Clarence Thomas. Remember how that POS worked out! <<< I will bet on this. Too many folks think Daddy is a good guy. he is a worse crook than lil Bush, just smarter.

2. Here is a wild thought .. CLARENCE! Nahhh!!!! teo incompetent AGs are enough, Daddy would not want a third one, anyhow I think Thomas is too honest.

3, Go to a non-Daddy type. Danforth? Gorton? Goldsmith.? Ashcroft? Luger? Fitzgerald??? These are all straight shooters, esp. Goldsmith or Fitz! I ahve trouble imagining lil Bush being comfortable with anyone who is not willing to function as the President's counsel as well as AG.

My bet? I still bet on Olson. lil Bush would see this as a wedge vs. the Congress and I 'spect he needs a consigliore.
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