Wednesday, September 19, 2007

OJ, the saga continues.

O.J. Simpson Released From Vegas Jail:Since SJ is not main stream media, I avoid mirroring the stupid fascination with celebrity porn. This story, however, is sufficiently bizarre that I thought a link might be OK. Of course, before anyone suggests otherwise let me make it clear that OJ does not stand for Orthodox Jew.

"Authorities allege that the men went to the room on the pretext of brokering a deal with two longtime collectors, Alfred Beardsley and Bruce Fromong. According to police reports, the collectors were ordered at gunpoint to hand over several items valued at as much as $100,000. Beardsley told police that one of the men with Simpson brandished a pistol, frisked him and impersonated a police officer, and that another man pointed a gun at Fromong. 'I'm a cop and you're lucky this ain't LA or you'd be dead,' the man said, according to the report."

I have no idea how this is all going to turn out but hope I live long enough to see it redone as a movie.

Could be the ultimate prequel(s) to Star Wars. Imagine ...
I The 'hood. A young, idealistic OJ grows up in a remote LA
II Empire and Hero. Triumphant and smiling and wielding a pass as if thrusting with a Jedi light saber, OJ stars at USC. A True Tojan!
III Beyond The Stars, As OJ moves into pro ball and begins to see ...pain and injury and lots of money and women.
IV. The Clone Wars As an older, wiser OJ becomes a clown in grade B movies. People laugh behind his back.
V. The Evil Side. OJ comes acropper, kills his horse and his wife, but goes free because, well because the jury remembers the young Trojan Hero.
VI. The Downfall. The revenge of the force, as the universe tumbles on the once mighty hero.

They may need to hire Aeschylus to write the plot but perhaps the lead could go to Brad Pitt in black face? Having played Achilles, Pitt would be an ideal candidate to play an antiheroic Trojan.
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