Bush: "We're Kicking Ass" In Iraq
Of course the eme[eror's new clothes syndrome is not limited ot any one issue. Read thi about Bush's economy:
Housing Market Slump Forces
Couple To Open Brothel
Of course we can be reassured that we are all safe because we are almost all armed. Reuters reports: The United States has 90 guns for every 100 citizens, making it the most heavily armed society in the world, a report released on Tuesday (August 28, 2007) said. U.S. citizens own 270 million of the world’s 875 million known firearms, according to the Small Arms Survey 2007 by the Geneva-based Graduate Institute of International Studies." Now we know why there are so few terrorist attacks in the US.The biggest missing clothing problme is, of curse, the Iraq war. Reecntly, while in Iraq Bush met for an hour and shook hands with Sattar Abu Risha, a notorious leader of highway bandits who seems to be building a neo-Saddam regime amongst the Sunnis. Other Sunni complain they are being forced to kowtow to Sattar and the Baghdad, government is concerned that that the Marines have unwittingly turned Sheikh Sattar into a warlord .
In the meantime, the republican remnant want to accuse the democratic candidates of cowardice.
The shocking thing is that most of these arm chair patriots have never and would never serve their country. I am a very proud American who served during the 'nam war under compulsion. I am NOT proud of that service but I value those who did serve with me AND those who fought wars of conscience to end that failed war. For three years after we all knew the war had been lost, Mr. Nixon kept the US military in the enemy sights. People like Kerry AND both Clintons deserve a lot more admiration than the unpatriotic, self serving members of the cowards brigades whi now want to sacrifice other people's kids to the effort to rescue our country form Bush's folly.
The same goes for Mr. Obama's service to his country as a poverty worker.
As expected general Petraeus painted a very different picture from the one featured on Faux news. Both the right and left seemd not to be istening. The General refused to answer even Brit Hume's questions about the issues of how Iraq was affecting our global security. Petraeus was a model of what he is supposed to be ... an agent of his CIC. As a good soldier he refused to speak off topic or lie.
What the good man said was pretty much what other moderates, including Sens Biden, Obama and Clinton, as well as experts Pollack and OHanlon have offered. Five years into Bush's folly, the strategy Petraeus and others advocated BACK then is working better than the strategy followed by the Bushistas. He has, in effect, reinstated the Baathists in central Iraq. In the South, the british desertion (not discussed by the good general) seems ot be leading toward a confrontation between Arab Shia and Irani Shia ... just as many proposed a long time ago, I would bet my last dinar that we will backm up the lo0cal terrorists in their war vs. against the Iranians. Senator Biden proposed this along time ago,
What is most important are the questions he refused to answer. He would not address other strategies for drawing down, the limits of our troop support for Iraq, or .. most importantly ... the issue of what our goals are! This was a very controlled performance by a General saying he had met his tactical goals. He said nada, zilch, nothing about the srategic goals because THOSE ARE NOT HIS CHARGE.
All of us should be grateful that Bush is finally following the advice of the professional military instead of his amateur chickenhawks, We should all ope that as soon as possible this expert General can work for a better CIC.
The bell may finally be tolling ... but for whom?
The Emperor's New Clothes, Leif Zetterling (Sweden)
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