Friday, September 21, 2007

Right Flight XVI

Vernon Jordan: The "Whites-Only" Sign on The GOP's "Big Tent" - Politics on The Huffington Post: "This week the four leading candidates--Fred Thompson, Mitt Romney, Rudolph Giuliani and John McCain--added the PBS-sponsored debate at Baltimore's historically-black Morgan State University to their 'I'll-pass' list. That list now includes the National Urban League, Univision, the Spanish-language television network, the National Association of Latino Elected Officials and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. It's getting to be a long list."
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Anonymous said...

Typical white socialist, tout out the race card when it's meant to insult others.
Strange, no mention of the Jena 6 on this white blog. Any mention of it on dailykos, democraticunderground, horsesass?
White liberals are being called out and it's not going to be pretty when they lose our black vote.

SM Schwartz said...

You have no idea about my beliefs more. To start with I am not white but you would not know that.

As for the story in Jena, I am fo0llowing it but at the moment there is so much flack that I do not have nay opinion. Anyplace Sharpton and Jackson show up is really going to be difficult to figure out.

The only thing that is apparent is that racism is alive and well and teen aged boys act as if they need castration.

Anonymous said...

Not white? If that's your picture next to your post you sure as hell don't look black.
I've seen your type many times before, you're going to tell me you have lots of black friends, and you lived in a black neighborhood, and you're against racism, blah blah blah.

SM Schwartz said...

Given the ambiguity of the web, I have no idea what .. other than I hope human, race you consider yourself.

As it happens for my entire 66 years, or at oleast since i have been old enough to to care, I as a Jew and a Sephard have refused, in one case at the likely expense of a job opportunity, to be called "white."

Before you use that racist term, I suggest you decude what it means. Ti me it means the Northern European, Christian majority responsible for world wide racism and colonialism. I am proud that my ancestors had no part in that and as long ago as 2000 years we outlawed slavery and as long ago as 3000 years we proudly included a Black African woman as the wife of Moses. My sister, Zipporah, is named for this woman.

I have also in my life been offered member ship in two "white"organizations as well been invited as a "white" to speak in the Apartheid regime. The first time this happened I did know what a Nigger was biy not what a Kike was. My Dad taught me that lesson.

I have NEVER been willing t be called "white" since. When my kods went to school, I threatened to sue if that term was used.

Ass for the rest of your comment, yeh .. I have good friends who are "black," have lived in a "balck" community where most folks thought we were a mixed family as my wife is dark, I count the Mississippi three (whom you probably do not even remember) as heroes of my people, worked for the SDS when Stokely was still Stokely, ... is that enough to shove back at you? And guess what? It has all made me a better Jew!

If you want to use an epithet call me a Kike .. I will be proud!